The SETA is mandated to promote and facilitate the delivery of education, training and development in order to enhance the skills profile of the Education, Training and Development (ETD) sector and contribute to the creation of employment opportunities especially for those previously disadvantaged
We are accredited for the following courses:
Unit Standard 115753
This generic assessor unit standard is for those who assess people for their achievement of learning outcomes in terms of specified criteria using pre-designed assessment instruments. The outcomes and criteria may be defined in a range of documents including but not limited to unit standards, exit level outcomes, assessment standards, curriculum statements and qualifications.
Those who achieve this unit standard will be able to conduct assessments within their fields of expertise. This unit standard will contribute towards the achievement of a variety of qualifications, particularly within the fields of Education Training and Development Practices and Human Resource Development.
People credited with this unit standard are able to carry out assessments in a fair, valid, reliable and practicable manner that is free of all bias and discrimination, paying particular attention to the three groups targeted for redress: race, gender and disability.
In particular, people credited with this unit standard will be able to:
- Demonstrate understanding of outcomes-based assessment;
- Prepare for assessments;
- Conduct assessments;
- Provide feedback on assessments; and
- Review assessments.
Unit Standard 115759
This unit standard is for people who conduct internal or external moderation of outcomes-based assessments. The assessments could be in terms of outcomes defined in a number of documents, including but not limited to unit standards, exit level outcomes, assessment standards, curriculum statements and qualifications. This unit standard will contribute towards the achievement of a variety of qualifications particularly within the field of Education Training and Development Practices and Human Resource Development.
Those who have achieved this unit standard will be able to moderate assessments in terms of the relevant outcome statements and quality assurance requirements. The candidate-moderator will be able to use the prescribed Quality Assurance procedures in a fair, valid, reliable and practicable manner that is free of all bias and discrimination, paying particular attention to the three groups targeted for redress: race, gender and disability.
In particular, people credited with this unit standard are able to:
- Demonstrate understanding of moderation within the context of an outcomes-based assessment system,
- Plan and prepare for moderation,
- Conduct moderation,
- Advise and support assessors,
- Report, record and administer moderation, and
- Review moderation systems and processes.
Unit Standard 117870
This Unit Standard will be useful to people who are involved in the development and implementation of training and development plans for organisations. The Unit Standard will be especially useful to skills development facilitators, training managers and human resource development practitioners.
People credited with this Unit Standard are able to:
- analyse current and required skills
- develop a skills profile and define a skills gap
- establish skills priorities
- develop a training and development plan.
Unit Standard 15218
This Unit Standard is for people who intend to conduct an analysis to determine outcomes of learning for the purposes of defining skills needs at organisational level and/or to identify assessment standard titles at industry or sub-sector level. The Unit Standard will be especially useful to skills development facilitators, training managers and human resource development practitioners.
People credited with this Unit Standard are able to:
People credited with this Unit Standard are able to:
- plan, organise a skills analysis process
- conduct an analysis to determine outcomes of learning needed for formal recognition
- produce and verify a matrix of outcomes.
Unit Standard 15221
This Unit Standard is for people who are involved in some capacity in human resource development. This Unit Standard will be of particular application for those involved in skills development facilitation.
People credited with this Unit Standard are able to
- provide information related to skills development, including relevant legislation, learning and assessment,
- advise an organisation concerning the alignment of skills development practices to the information provided; andadvise on the promotion of skills development.
Unit Standard 15227
his Unit Standard is intended for persons who support, or seek to support, skills development facilitation. The Unit Standard will be especially useful to human resource development officers who plan to take on skills development facilitation roles.
Persons credited with this Unit Standard are able to:
- collate and store data related to skills development
- provide information related to skills development
- contribute to the improvement of systems and procedures related to processing skills development data.
Unit Standard 15232
This Unit Standard will be useful to people who oversee or manage education, training and skills development within organisations according to agreed development plans. The Unit Standard will be especially useful to skills development facilitators, training managers and human resource development practitioners.
People credited with this Unit Standard are able to:
- identify and prioritise learners` learning requirements
- plan and organise learning interventions
- coordinate learning interventions
- review and report on learning interventions.
Unit Standard 252041
This Unit Standard will be useful to people who are involved in planning, managing and/or implementing training and development within organisations. The Unit Standard will be especially useful to skills development facilitators, training managers and human resource development practitioners.
People credited with this Unit Standard are able to:
- Investigate and analyse the status of the learning culture within the organisation.
- Develop strategies for the promotion of a learning culture within the organisation.
- Implement strategies to promote a learning culture.
“ Strong people don’t put others down… They lift them up.” ― Michael P. Watson
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